The Queen's Mine
Topography of Sri Lanka and Location of Operational/Exploration Graphite Mines.
Courtesy of Bora Bora Resources and SRK Consulting.
3D topography & known anomalies - view of Kahatagaha/Kolongaha Graphite Mine, RS Mines - The Queen's Mine, and Sakura (Elcora) - Ragedera Mine.
RS Mines, The Queen's Mine VTEM Anomaly.

RS Mines, The Queen's Mine VTEM Anomaly, illustrating the 1 Square Kilometer mining license area (red border line), containing the Queen's Mine anomaly, fully owned by RS Mines (pvt) ltd.
RS Mines Owned Land Area situated on the anomaly - 3D cross section of intersected veins at TQM main mining adit
RS Mines owned land areas situated on the anomaly held within 1 square kilometer mining grid area, owned by RS Mines. 3D model illustrates intersected natural crystalline graphite veins (green discs) at the main mining adit at TQM (shown as marker 11). (G represents Gold in Quartz vein discovered during SRK adit mapping.
Types of Veins Found in the main mining adit at RS Mines - The Queen's Mine.
RS Mines, 'Lump Graphite' aka Natural Crystalline Vein Graphite - extracted from The Queen's Mine.
RS Mines, 'Needle Type Graphite' - HOPG - Highly Ordered / Oriented Natural Pyrolytic Graphite - extracted from The Queen's Mine.
RS Mines' The Queen's Mine Site Tour Video, presented by Dr. Robert Murray-Smith (Forward Working Group) and RS Mines Co-founder and Director, Sheriozha Anthony Wijekoon, June 2013.
RS Mines, the Queen's Mine Site Tour, June 2013, with Dr. Robert Murray Smith and RS Mines (pvt) Ltd. Co-Founder, and Director, Sheriozha Anthony Wijekoon. The Queen's Mine is situated in a mountain side, this mountain range being historically known as the graphite mountain. The British began mining this but withdrew because of the end of colonialisation. In the final scenes we look at the shaft that is being dug down to the graphite pocket.
RS Mines' The Queen's Mine Site Tour Video, presented by, Sheriozha Anthony Wijekoon, Co-Founder, Director and CEO, RS Mines (pvt) Ltd. August 2015.
RS Mines, the Queen's Mine Site Tour, August 2015, presented by Sheriozha Anthony Wijekoon, Co-Founder, Director and CEO - RS Mines (pvt) Ltd.
RS Mines - History of the Queen's Mine.
RS Mines are the proud owners of the prime mining site, known as The Queen's Mine, it is located in the heart of Sri Lanka, placed in the side of a mountain and was originally opened in the early 1900s by the British, however when the British colonial period ended in 1948 the mine was abandoned, today we are proud to pick up where they left off. The mountain in which the Queen's Mine is situated in is also referred to as 'the graphite mountain'
RS Mines - The Queen's Mine - Current Operations.
With numerous scans, including VLF and VTEM (Courtesy of Bora Bora Resources ASX:BBR) these scans coupled with the first round of drilling operations have allowed for perfect deep mine planning. From the initial round of drilling we have identified an indicated and predicted reserve of a minimum of 100,000 Tons in the top 135 Meters, this drill program covering 1/9th of the anomaly area and from the VTEM survey, signs show a similar reserve to that of Kahatagaha Graphite which has been mining for over 140 years+, historically extracting over 3,000 Tons per month, equating to 5m+ Tons of natural Sri Lankan crystalline vein graphite, over the 140 year period, and still mining to this current day. With a carefully planned mining program, The Queen’s Mine production levels are plentiful and growing, with ore grades ranging from 80%-99.99%+, with natural HOPG (Highly Oriented/Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite) holding no impurities, 100%C.
RS Mines - The Queen's Mine - Physical Characteristics.
Total area of The Queen's Mine measures 8+ Acres, with the altitude of the mouth of the mine at 360 meters above sea level. Graphite veins run in an East-West direction and the lower in depths the thicker the graphite vein becomes. Veins can measure many meters in thickness and 'pockets' of graphite can be as large as detached houses - the miners call these pockets 'Mine-rang-Aliya' which means ‘Graphite Elephant’.
RS Mines - Queen's Mine Scanning and Drilling Program.
Currently the Queen's Mine is in production extracting 10 - 20 Tons per month. RS Mines is now planning and ramping up production to 100 Tons per month via further comprehensive scanning and drilling programs. RS Mines extracts what can be said to be the best form of graphite in the world, natural Sri Lankan, high purity carbon, crystalline vein graphite. Clients from all over the world have praised the quality of graphite that is extracted from the Queen's Mine, with the bulk of the extracted graphite having a purity of 97%+ hitting highs of 99%+ with a highly crystalline structure. In a recent joint collaboration with the Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, we were able to visualise perfect graphene sheets via SEM and STM analyses, to view the collaborative work click on the following link; Collaboration between RS Mines, Toyota Technological Institute - Japan, & Mission Vector Partners - Japan on Surface Analysis of HOPG (Highly Ordered/Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite). You can also take a look at our client feedback page to learn more about our special materials.
RS Mines is now executing further VLF scanning over the Northern section of the Queens Mine anomaly, this will then be followed by the second round of drilling. While all of these tasks are being executed, the main shaft inside the Queen's Mine will continue its progress and extraction.
RS Mines - Queen's Mine: Chronological Reports
14. 2020 Oct – RS Mines, Initial Environmental Examination Report Draft 0.1.
13. 2019 Sept - RS Mines - Exploration Report.
12. 2018 Nov - Preliminary Report on Graphite Mineralisation at TQM - AS Jayakody.
11. 2018 Apr - RS Mines, The Queen’s Mine, Resource Estimation Report.
10. 2018 Jan - Spectrum Processing.
9. 2017 May - Report on VLF Survey - TQM - K.M. Prematilaka.
8. 2017 May - Report on Geological Mapping of Graphite Occurrences - TQM - P.D. Maha Arachchi.
7. 2016 Apr - Report of Reconnaissance VLF survey - TQM - K.M. Prematilaka.
6. 2016 Feb - SRK Consulting - RSMINES001_Queens Mine Valuation.
5. 2015 May - Exploration Proposal - RS Mines.
4. 2014 Dec - Modern Mag QM Scan executed in collaboration with Bora Bora Resources.
3. 2014 Sept - TQM - Scan K.M Prematilaka.
2. 2014 Sep - SRK_Site_Visit_memo.
1. 2012 Jul - VLF scan report by Peradeniya University, Kandy.
For material analyses visit our Clients & Collaborators page.
RS Mines - Queen's Mine Drilling Results, Forecasted Reserve and Value.
Following on from the first round of drilling the following information can be noted;
Drilling holes completed: 7
Average depth of drill holes: 135 meters
Area drilled in relation to the anomaly: 1/9th
Tonnage (identified + indicated) 99%+TGC: 107k Tons
Depth of deepest mine in Sri Lanka: Kahatagaha, 760 meters below sea level
Depth of deepest mine in the World: Mponeng Gold Mine, South Africa, 3,840 meters below sea level
incorporating the above data into the anomaly and extrapolating to the depths of existing mines:
Based on the deepest mine in Sri Lanka, Kahatagaha:
6 depth intervals of 135 meters, equating to 810 meters , with each depth section containing 850k Tons.
5.1m Tons to a depth of 810 meters, valuing each Ton at the existing market value of $2.5k USD per Ton
Potential reserve value to a depth of 810 meters: $12.76B USD.
Cost to extract based on Kahatagaha and Bogala Graphite mines, Sri Lanka: $140m USD.
Click here to view the full drilling report, RS Mines The Queen’s Mine, first round of drilling, resource estimation report.
Video of veins identified from first round of drilling at The Queen’s Mine: